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Osteoporosis - Cannabis Compound Hardens Bone  

โดย : Aidan   เมื่อวันที่ : ศุกร์ ที่ 1 เดือน กรกฏาคม พ.ศ.2565   

Yet another research paper just been published that shows just how plant based compounds can assist to contain the brittle bone disease, osteoporosis. Scientists in the Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Aberdeen, UK have found the way a non-psychoactive compound of cannabis, cannabidiol enables you to preserve bone strength.<br>The endocannabinoid system is a group of cell receptors which are triggered by a group of endogenous lipids in addition to elements derived from the cannabis plant. The cannabinoid receptors are engaged in a variety of physiological processes including appetite control, mood, memory and discomfort. Current research indicates that the endocannabinoid system also has a powerful affect on bone metabolism, as the receptors are well represented on osteoclasts - cells whose major purpose is to resorb (thin out) bone.<br>Bone is an active, living tissue that has been continually formed, remodeled and formed in reaction to both physical and <a href="https://Www.gameinformer.com/search?keyword=physiological">physiological</a> needs of the body. Bone matrix consists primarily of the macronutrients calcium, phosphate and magnesium and it is the substance that helps make up both the dense elements of the bone as well as the bone marrow framework. Many people still assume that if a person eats foods abundant in these minerals then they will avoid developing osteoporosis. epidemiological and Other evidence suggests that this is not necessarily the case.<br>When it comes to bone health and disease the integrated processes that control the formation and resorption bone are just as important as the availability of calcium, magnesium and phosphate.<br><br>The development as well as resorbtion of bone matrix is managed by two main mobile types:<br><br>1) Osteoblasts are bone cells which are liable for the development of bone matrix two) Osteoclasts are altered white blood cells liable best cbd gummies for keto; <a href="https://www.tacomadailyindex.com/blog/condor-cbd-gummies-scam-revealed-what-to-know-before-buying/2456253/">click hyperlink</a>, the resorption of bone tissue.<br><br>Osteoblasts<br><br>Osteoclasts<br>These two cell types are controlled by an elaborate set of signaling hormones, proteins and cellular receptors that react to the ever changing demands on bone tissue along with other biological processes. If there are way too many osteoclasts, or if these cells start to be overactive, they will resorb more matrix compared to the osteoblasts are able to produce. A predominance of osteoclast exercise leads to the bone becoming much less dense - the primary attribute of the clinical condition known as osteoporosis.<br>The Aberdeen researchers have discovered that cannabidiol binds to a particular cannabinoid receptor on the bone resorbing osteoblast cells. By so doing it prevents these cells from resorbing the bone matrix - thereby helping avoid further weakening of the bones.

เข้าชม : 87

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